Here Comes the Easter Cat by Deborah Underwood

Here Comes the Easter Cat

by Deborah Underwood

Why should the Easter Bunny get all the love? That's what Cat would like to know. So he decides to take over: He dons his sparkly suit, jumps on his Harley, and roars off into the night. But it turns out delivering Easter eggs is hard work. And it doesn't leave much time for naps (of which Cat has taken five-no, seven). So when a pooped-out Easter Bunny shows up, and with a treat for Cat, what will Cat do? His surprise solution will be stylish, smart, and even-yes-kind.

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

5 of 5 stars

The one and only reason I bought this book - was compelled - to buy this book: Our cat, Easter. She came to us on Easter weekend, after our previous cat, Christmas passed away (so named because, you guessed it, she showed up on Christmas day).  So imagine my glee when I saw this book; even DH agreed we absolutely must buy it.   An extra special bonus is how incredibly cute and funny and beautifully illustrated it is.  I think my nieces will enjoy it quite a bit when they come over and since the real Easter cat lives in mortal fear of anyone under 4ft., this book is probably as close as any of them will come to holding the Easter cat.

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  • 5 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 5 January, 2015: Reviewed