Reviewed by layawaydragon on
Huh. I think this is what happens when an accurate activist lawyer writes a legal courtroom thriller. I’ve never read such a realistic and thorough trial in a novel before. Every step is represented including jury selections and instructions.
The actual verdict happens around halftime and I had idea how it would continue. I did not expect anything that happened after that.
Fair warning though. This isn’t Grisham or Connelly playing fast & loose with reality and mixing it with Die Hard. It’s about actual people and lawyers and laws and briefings and the slow-ass injustice system.
The Elephant in the Closet:
Of course, I was intrigued by the gayness. Honestly, if Matt was just another straight white dude, I wouldn’t have picked this up. I’m always happy to support more diversity in fiction, and I hardly see any for this genre.
I appreciate not having to question Matt’s innocence or guilt at all. I don’t need and have no energy for entertaining the ‘morality of gay people’ and their self-defense. Having it from his point of view with no doubt may kill the mystery of that aspect but leaves no wiggle room for the homophobic fuckers to actually have a point. The latter is far more important to me.
Why It Still Fucking Matters:
I did not know…
I mean….
I knew but I didn’t KNOW. Holy shit. Check this shit out to see how really fucking far and behind we are for gay rights in the USA.
Summary Table of LGBT Rights in United States
State by State Summary of LGBT Rights in United States
This post is really good at explaining the legalese and lawyer perspectives:
EEOC Says Anti-Gay Descriminiation is Sex Discrimination
And that was just in 2015!
Defense of an Other does not neglect the racism inherent in the system. In fact, it’s very straightforward in laying how the prison system works as slave labor. It doesn’t give racists any leverage or reinforcement unlike most legal and crime fiction.
Also, make sure to read through to VERY VERY end. All the Author’s Notes & stuff. Gave me a deeper understanding and connection with Defense of an Other.
I can’t wait to read more from Grace Mead!
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- 22 April, 2019: Reviewed