Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars

This time we travel, interestingly, not far from where the real me actually lives - to the swamps outside Charleston, SC. This book in particular is great because it slows the pace down a bit from the first book, yet WAY amps up the drama. There are certain situations in this book that will make some/ possibly many uncomfortable, but this is still a Jeremiah Knight/ Jeremy Robinson book - you don't have to worry about actually seeing any of the things I refer to. The monsters here are top notch, as always, but the case could be made that the real monsters of this story are the humans our heroes encounter - and along the way, we may just see the possibility that perhaps the monsters we know aren't so monstrous, and the people we know aren't so nice...

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  • 6 July, 2018: Reviewed