Vicious Circle by Linda Robertson

Vicious Circle

by Linda Robertson

This exciting urban fantasy debut mixes a modern-day witch with a rock’n’roll werewolf boyfriend, pitted against a powerful vampire!

Being a witch doesn’t pay the bills, but Persephone Alcmedi gets by between reading Tarot cards, writing her syndicated newspaper column, and kenneling werewolves in the basement when the moon is full—even if witches aren’t supposed to mingle with wolves.

She really reaches the end of her leash, though, when her grandmother gets kicked out of the nursing home and Seph finds herself in the doghouse about some things she’s written. Then her werewolf friend Lorrie is murdered...and the high priestess of an important coven offers Seph big money to destroy the killer, a powerful vampire named Goliath Kline.

Seph is a tough girl, but this time she bites off more than she can chew. She needs a little help from her friends—werewolf friends. One of those friends, Johnny, the motorcycle-riding lead singer for the techno-metal-Goth band Lycanthropia, has a crush on her. And while Seph has always been on edge around this 6’2” leather-clad hunk, she’s starting to realize that although their attraction may be dangerous, nothing could be as lethal as the showdown that awaits them.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

at first while reading this book I was all "great another strong female character who whines and moans about having to be the big barney bad ass" So of course my opinion then wasn't that great. But then things got more interesting and wouldn't you know it I couldn't put the book down until I was finished with it. pretty good story overall, only reason I didn't give it five stars was because of the whining and moaning. That's just because I get irritated with whiney, crybaby "oh my poor soul" lead characters. I like the ones who are all liked "yeah it sucks, but suck up buttercup, because there is evil out there and I'm just the chick to put it in its place."

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  • Started reading
  • 21 November, 2012: Finished reading
  • 21 November, 2012: Reviewed