Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

Marry Me Mad by Katy Regnery is the second book in the Rousseau’s series. I enjoyed Jonquils for Jax and was looking forward to reading the sequel. I was eager to read Madeleine’s story and as such was excited when I was provided with an ARC.

Marry Me Mad tells the story of two people who have been in love with each other since they were teenagers. However, circumstances prevented them from being together. Now fate has provided them with a second chance as adults. Will they cease the opportunity or will they allow events of the past to derail their chance at happiness?

I was on the fence about the rating of this installment. I was wavering between three and four stars. However, after going back through my notes, I decided on a rating of four stars. Granted, there were aspects that I love, but there were some areas that I had an issue with. Let me begin with what I loved about this book.

STORYLINE: I found the storyline rather intriguing. I was curious to see how the author would approach the matter of the heroine falling in love with her sister’s ex-boyfriend, as this is generally considered a no-no in the relationship department. Well, I was impressed with how the author approached the matter and liked how the entire situation unfolded.

CHEMISTRY: I thought the chemistry between the hero and heroine was raw, gritty and hot. Not only did they have a physical connection, they had an emotional one as well. I loved that their feelings were not instantaneous. This was something that was brewing for years and the opportunity has now arisen for them to act on it.

I admired Madeleine’s loyalty to her sister. She loved Cort, but she was not willing to sacrifice her relationship with her sister for one with him. She honestly believed that being with Cort would mean betraying her sister. This demonstrated that she was a woman with honour.
Cort was a true romantic. I loved how he made Madeleine feel special. He was not the type of person to give up. He was determined to win Madeleine over and he was not afraid to bring out the big guns to do so.

What I did not like:
1. There were times when I found Madeleine’s actions frustrating. The constant wavering of her mind was bound to give me whiplash. Her actions indicated that she did not know what she wanted. I understand her not wanting to break the girl code, but then when certain information came to light, providing her with the opportunity to cease her happiness she failed to act on it.
2. I am all for ending a relationship with someone who has cheated on you. However, to rush into another relationship so soon after, without time to heal didn’t sit too well with me.
3. I thought the ending was rushed. It was as if the author was in a rush to tie things up. It would have been nice to see what transpired between the time Madeleine came to her senses about Cort and when he became aware of her presence on the airplane.

Verdict: I enjoyed this installment and I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series. Recommended for fans of contemporary romance.

N.B. This book can be read as a stand-alone.

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  • 17 October, 2016: Finished reading
  • 17 October, 2016: Reviewed