Reviewed by phyllish on

4 of 5 stars

Lux is the second oldest daughter of Santa Claus.  She is brainiac of the family and is tasked with fixing the substation that converts Christmas magic into power for the palace at the North Pole.

Lux is a fun character because she is so smart and doesn't feel like she has anything to offer other than her brain.  Matthew Quik is a handsome ex-military genius who has the knowledge to do what Lux needs to.  The problem is, she can't just bring him to the North Pole to help her because of the way the Christmas magic works.

I enjoyed the book and felt like the author did a great job in creating tension between the characters and believably having them oblivious to the feelings of the other.  The story was light-hearted, yet had a little bit of suspense as we tried to figure out why Matthew was hiding off the grid and from whom, and the situations he kept getting himself into requiring Lux to rescue him.

Though this is the second book in this Christmas series about the daughters of  Santa Claus and is probably best enjoyed by reading the entire series, it can stand alone.This review was originally posted on Among the Reads

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  • Started reading
  • 6 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 24 November, 2017: Reviewed