Little Chick by Amy Hest, Anita Jeram

Little Chick

by Amy Hest and Anita Jeram

Spend a wonderful day with Little Chick in these three enchanting stories from master storyteller Amy Hest and award-winning illustrator Anita Jeram.How Little Chick longs for her carrot to grow tall, for her kite to fly high, to be able to reach up and take her star from the sky. But her carrot is small, her kite bobs along on the ground and she can't stretch up far enough to touch her star. Sometimes things just don't turn out quite the way you want them to. But, as Old-Auntie shows Little Chick, there is just as much wonder in things that are small and far away - if you only look!

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

Already I have shared how much we enjoy [a:Anita Jeram|63392|Anita Jeram|]'s illustrations and they are especially good in these three Little Chick stories. The font used is large and clear and just great for reading over a little shoulder in your lap. All three stories are snuggle worthy. I love all-in-one omnibus editions!

Now you can also find these great stories in board book formats. :)

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 31 January, 2012: Finished reading
  • 31 January, 2012: Reviewed