Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

OMG! To say this was a great read is quite the understatement. It was an awesome read. It’s been
awhile since I have read a well written medieval historical romance. Warrior’s Surrender is a story of honour and love that was set during the time that the Normans had conquered Saxon. What I liked about this book was that although it was set in a time when the English language was not as evolved as it now, the author used language that modern day readers could relate to.

The characters were complex, strong and well developed. They had the ability to hold the reader’s interest, leaving them wanting more. I found it easy to relate to them on every level. I found myself rooting for Sebastian and Alfreya as I wanted the best for them. I was totally invested in their outcome. They complimented each other very well. The chemistry between them was sizzling and off the charts. This was good as without chemistry the romance would not have been believable.

Alfreya was the type of woman who was willing to fight for what she believed. She stood by her people through thick and thin. She wanted what was best for them as such when she realized that surrendering to her enemy would be in their interest she decided to secure a deal with Baron Sebastian de la Croix. Sebastian was a merciful, yet powerful leader. He commanded the allegiance of his knights and the masses whom he had acquired through the subjection. However, there were a few who questioned his decision to secure a truce with Alfreya and her people.

The villain of the story was evil beyond the words. He was cunning and not above using the innocent to achieve his evil plans. His biggest motivations were greed and power.

The story pulled me in from the first page. The prologue sets the pace of the story. As one gets into the story the events that took place at the introduction becomes quite clear. The story was well paced and it had the right balance of romance and adventure. There were also some supernatural elements. All the events taking place blended well with the main story making for an intriguing read. The only issue I had with this story was the way which the villain was dealt with. I do believe he got off too lightly. I say this because he was not made to take responsibility for his actions. I do not want to go into too much detail as it may lead to spoilers. It was this reason I gave the story a four star.

This was my first time reading this author’s work and I am looking forward to read more. If you are a fan of romance, adventure and epic battles in medieval times, then this story is for you.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 14 June, 2015: Reviewed