Gravity Vs. the Girl by Riley Noehren

Gravity Vs. the Girl

by Riley Noehren

Samantha Green has just spent an entire year in her pajamas, and she is beginning to regret it. What's more, she is haunted by four ghosts that are former versions of herself. First up is the overachieving and materialistic attorney, who is furious with Samantha for throwing away the career she worked so hard to build. Second is the lackadaisical college student who is high on life but low on responsibility. Next is the melodramatic teenager, who is consumed with her social standing, teal eyeliner and teased bangs. Finally, there is the scrappy six-year old, whose only objective is to overcome gravity so that she can fly. Samantha's ghosts alternate between fighting with each other, rallying around Samantha's budding sanity and falling in love with a string of good-for-nothing drummers. Despite her reluctance to do so, Samantha must rely on these spirits from the past to repair the present and ensure her future.

Reviewed by sstaley on

2 of 5 stars

This was not one of my favorite books that I have read lately. I really never grew to like the main character or feel for her. There were too many Sam's floating around and I was never able to connect to any of them. I would have enjoyed this story more if it had been written from the main characters POV only. There were too many voices telling this story, hence why the connection for me never happened.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 March, 2010: Finished reading
  • 30 March, 2010: Reviewed