Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Little House in the Big Woods (Little House the Laura Years ) (Little House, #1)

by Laura Ingalls Wilder

A year in the life of two young girls growing up on the Wisconsin frontier as they help their mother with the daily chores, enjoy their father's stories and singing, and share special occasions when they get together with relatives or neighbors.

Reviewed by Whitney @ First Impressions Reviews on

5 of 5 stars

Little House in the Big Woods is the first of the Little House books in which Laura Ingalls Wilder recounts her years growing up in the big woods of Wisconsin.

I first read the Little House books when I was seven and were a main staple on my bookshelf until I was thirteen,reading them (particularly this one) from cover to cover until they had to be thrown away; but I could recite them from heart anyway... In elementary school we practiced in the D.E.A.R. program (Drop Everything And Read) silently reading each morning for 15 minutes. I can remember finishing Little House in the Big Woods during that time period and after reading the copy-write page would start all over again.

Her life as a youngster was educational without even realizing it. (churning butter, making bullets, or the process of a horse powered machine are a few examples)

But the wonderful thing about these stories is the Laura Ingalls is relateable. Despite taking place in the 1860s, I was excited as she was about receiving her rag doll Charlotte as I was upon getting my first American Girl doll for Christmas, she envies her elder sister Mary's golden curls, and plays house under a tree, which was also a favorite past time of mine growing up as was the Little House books. With or without knowing it Laura Ingalls Wilder's childhood became part of my own.

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  • Started reading
  • 22 February, 2012: Finished reading
  • 22 February, 2012: Reviewed