A Need So Beautiful by Suzanne Young

A Need So Beautiful

by Suzanne Young

Charlotte's best friend thinks Charlotte is psychic. Her boyfriend thinks she might be cheating on him. But Charlotte knows what's really wrong: She is one of the Forgotten, a kind of angel on earth, who feels the Need - a powerful, uncontrollable draw to help someone, usually a stranger. At seventeen, Charlotte finds the Need has virtually taken over her life, and it's becoming harder and harder to hide these compulsions-if anyone knew about it, they would think she was crazy. There have been other Forgottens, but they're gone - disappeared in a burst of light and erased from the memories of everyone whose lives they touched. This is the fate that awaits Charlotte. As everyone important in her life slowly begins to forget her, Charlotte has to decide if she'll fight the Need in order to remain herself - no matter how dark the consequences.

Reviewed by bookishzelda on

4 of 5 stars

I actually read this book a little while ago. It was another one of those Borders going out of business pick-ups. I couldn't resist the cover, it's almost like it glows.

I have to admit, I'm a sucker for a happy ending and from the moment I started reading this book I knew. I knew how it was going to turn out. I put it down for an hour thinking I was mad at it, how could this be happening to Charlotte and then quickly scooped it up and read like my life depended on it. I had moments when I was angry at characters and moments when I was just sad. I loved Harlin's dedication to Charlotte even though she was acting out of sorts. This was a great example of sacrifice for the greater good but I honestly had moments where i was torn between wanting her to be selfish and wanting her to fulfill her Need. We all sometimes struggle to do the right thing, nobody is perfect. I loved that about this book.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 September, 2011: Finished reading
  • 18 September, 2011: Reviewed