The Lost Boys by Lilian Carmine

The Lost Boys (Lost Boys)

by Lilian Carmine

Fate has brought them together. But will it also keep them apart?

Having moved to a strange town, seventeen-year-old Joey Gray is feeling a little lost, until she meets a cute, mysterious boy near her new home.

But there’s a very good reason why Tristan Halloway is always to be found roaming in the local graveyard...

Perfect for fans of Stephenie Meyer and Lauren Kate, The Lost Boys is a magical, romantic tale of girl meets ghost.

Reviewed by Kelly on

No star rating, DNF.
The Lost Boys sounded promising, I assumed a lighter version of Anna Dressed In Blood, crossed with Between The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, but was sadly mistaken. I'm not entirely sure who the intended audience for this book was, the writing was aimed at primary or middle school aged, but with a few choice curse words here and there, I'm assuming it could be categorized as young adult. It lacked direction, which becomes clear during the storyline, reading as though it could have been several short stories rolled into one. It's not all bad, I really appreciated the author using what is a traditional boys name as her female protagonist, that Joey was sassy and an individual who wouldn't allow herself to be bullied, and didn't give in to the latest trends and dressed for comfort, rather than style. But that's where I felt the positives ended.

I found the overuse of exclamation marks irritating, and made Joey seem more volatile than I suspect she actually was. If the Goodreads reviews are any indication, this will be either a big hit or huge miss with the young adult audience, but sadly it was a miss for me.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 January, 2014: Finished reading
  • 10 January, 2014: Reviewed