Substitute Creature by Charles Gilman

Substitute Creature (Tales from Lovecraft Middle School, #4)

by Charles Gilman

When a giant nor'easter dumps a blanket of snow on the village of Dunwich, Massachussetts, Robert Arthur and his friends find themselves marooned inside Lovecraft Middle School. The kids have no choice but to spend the night-while snacking on cafeteria food, sleeping on classroom floors, and facing off against a mysterious substitute teacher who may have a sinister secret. The latest adventure in the Lovecraft Middle School series features more adventures, more outrageous monsters, and another terrifying lenticular cover!

Reviewed by stressedrach on

5 of 5 stars

I do not know where Charles Gilman got the idea for this series but I praise him. Substitute Creature is as good as, if not better than the previous books in the series. My daughters have both loved reading the series. Robert is the hero and this time he is saving his mother and class mates from being eaten by the Old Ones.

This didn’t let us down at all. The main characters are growing up in front of our very eyes, having read all of the series you will notice this.

The book cover is fantastic and certainly a selling point directed at children. It’s creepy but not enough to cause bad nightmares and full of adventure.

It was well written and the illustration is brilliant. I have a 7 and 16 year old and they have both read it cover to cover and asked if there will be another book.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 7 March, 2014: Reviewed