Late Night Shopping by Carmen Reid

Late Night Shopping (Annie Valentine)

by Carmen Reid

Uber-busy Annie Valentine - mum to two demanding children and personal shopper in a swanky London fashion store - is now intent on setting up a shoe and handbag empire of her own, and she'll do anything to get there. But what about her adorable new man? As someone who wants nothing more than a quiet life, Ed is shocked to discover Annie staking their home on her success, and now their relationship is on the line. Is Annie's surprise remedy - an extravagant friends and family holiday to Italy - really what they all need? Especially when a dashing Italian businessman promises to fulfil Annie's every dream...

Reviewed by tellemonstar on

2 of 5 stars

It started off good, and not having read the first book, I am unable to say whether it was better or worse than that title, but Annie drove me crazy with a lot of her behaviour. Esepecially when it was revealed that she's had an enormous credit card debt from the previous book. I just wanted to shake her and say, 'stop being stupid!' Quite frankly she was annoying and I wasn't at all surprised about some of the things that happened - including the rather big dip her relationship took.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 5 October, 2012: Reviewed