Holiday Kisses by Anna J. Stewart

Holiday Kisses (Butterfly Harbor Stories, #5) (Harlequin LP Heartwarming, HARLEQUIN)

by Anna J. Stewart

His family's honour is at stake...
And she holds the key

Calliope Jones is the most vocal objector to Xander Costas and his design for the butterfly sanctuary that he hopes will save his family's architectural firm. Can Calliope convince Xander to listen to his heart to see what the town - and he - really needs...

Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

5 of 5 stars


Can drawing a plan for a butterfly sanctuary be enough to get two people together?

Holiday Kisses by Anna J. Stewart is her latest book in her Butterfly Harbor series, and it’s fantastic. Ms. Stewart did an excellent job with this book, and I can’t wait to read the next two book in this series that will be released later this year. Each of the characters are unique and can stand on their own in this novel.

Xander Costas

Xander Costas is the main male character who is from Chicago and works for his family architectural firm. He is there to talk about building a butterfly sanctuary and education center for the butterflies of Butterfly Harbor. Xander learns quite a lot in the short time he is there. Including how to love someone completely different from himself. What I like about him is that he has a large amount of inner strength and that you can tell the struggle he is going through throughout the book. Xander is a family guy. He loves his family and the one that he now has in Butterfly Harbor especially with his little sister around.

Calliope Jones

Calliope Jones is the main female character who has been in Butterfly Harbor for a long time. She is raising her younger sister while trying to run the farm and being the eccentric that the whole town thinks she is. Calliope has made a lot of friends at Butterfly Harbor and not only that, but she is someone that the town trusts. What I like about her is that she tries not to let her guard down around Xander knowing that it will end in heartbreak not only for herself but for her little sister. Calliope is a force to be reckoned with once she sets her mind onto something especially if it means to protect her sibling. She is the towns unconventional citizen, but everyone comes to her for advice and everything else that she probably shouldn’t have stuck her nose in, but everyone is glad that she did.

Five Star

Holiday Kisses by Anna J. Stewart is a fabulous romance. It reminded me of some of the good things about living in California while other times not so much. Xander and Calliope make a cute couple as well. I am giving it a five-star rating and recommending it to anyone that likes heartwarming romances and of course butterflies!

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Holiday Kisses by Anna J Stewart. 

Check out my interview with her HERE.

Until the next time,

Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove

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  • Started reading
  • 9 April, 2019: Finished reading
  • 9 April, 2019: Reviewed