Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

Every book I have read by this author has been a treat for me. Since starting the Ivy Nash series, I have found myself on an extensive roller coaster ride with no apparent let up in sight. When I heard IN Control, which is book 5 in the series, was releasing I was eager to get my hands on a copy. You may be wondering, since this is a series, can each book be read as a stand-alone? Yes, as each book features a different case. However, to get a better understanding of the chain of events surrounding Ivy’s past then it would be best to follow the reading order.

Like the previous books in the series, IN Control was an exciting and thrilling read. The story began with what appears to be a kidnapping, but as the events, unfolded Ivy would discover there was more to the case than she originally thought. Just when she thought, things could not get any more complicated she finds herself embroiled in another case involving her best friend. At first both case appear unrelated, But the more Ivy digs she would realise both cases are connected.

The story started out with a steady pace, but as it progressed, it slowly developed, culminating in a fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping end. It may not have been as fast paced as the previous books, but there were aspects of the story that were intense and thrilling.

Secrets, both past and present drove the plot. These secrets had not only personal implications, but also national and international. These secrets had the propensity to hurt many persons in ways they may never recover from. Ivy found herself enmeshed in this nest of secrets. It is not a place she wanted to be, but if it meant keeping her best friend safe, she would suck it up and do what she had to do.

This is not of one of those mysteries that is easily solved. Every incident that occurred took me by surprise. It kept me guessing until the end and there were aspects of the story that kept me on the edge of my seat.

As usual, Ivy has proven to be a fearless, perceptive and determined heroine. Once she takes on a case, she puts out all the stops to ensure her client’s satisfaction. The supporting characters played their part in helping to move the story along. I had difficulty separating the villains from the good guys. It had me wondering who was in control. Characters from the Alex Troutt series provided assistance in this installment.

However, although I enjoyed this installment, a few things did not sit well with me. I can’t go into all the issues as this would lead to giving away the story. However, I can state the main issue I had. This had to do with the kidnappings. I am not clear about how Ivy discovered the identity of the mastermind behind the kidnappings. I was surprised to see her questioning a character who never appeared until that moment. That aspect of the story lacked fluidity and left me scratching my head as I tried to figure out what went down.


This is a great addition to the series and I can’t wait to see what is next in store for Ivy and her friends. If you are a fan of engaging mysteries that will take you on a roller coaster ride, then you will enjoy this series.

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  • 3 October, 2017: Finished reading
  • 3 October, 2017: Reviewed
  • Started reading
  • 3 October, 2017: Finished reading
  • 3 October, 2017: Reviewed