Reviewed by Ing Cruz on

3 of 5 stars

My Thoughts:
Vivi Andrews is a new to me author. I have to be honest the cover was what caught my eyes as I was browsing the Samhain website. The cover art is pretty and there's an Asian girl. Being Asian I was excited to read this book because there is not many Asian heroines out there. Plus I like to pretend I'm the heroine in my books and hey if she's Asian already it makes it easier to imagine I'm the heroine! :) Ok I digress back to the book. Ciara Liung has basically been a hermit her whole life because of her physic abilities. She has this awesome collection of movies and a TV system set that is any man's wet dream to help her exist the hermit life! She helps locate missing jewelries for the FBI through Karmic Consultants. For her skills to work properly she has to get nekki in a pool, bath or tank of water for her vision to come to her clearly of where the missing jewels are. I like Ciara shes spunky and no nonsense. She's like Lucy Liu's character in the Charlie Angels movie. Come to the think of it the hero even says she looks like Lucy Liu. Nate Smith is sexy and broody. I like broody boys. Makes me want to tickle them to get them to laugh! He's upset that he's been laid up after being shot at. He's basically a desk jockey right now. He's Ciara new handler for the FBI since her previous handler recently retired. Nate basically doesn't believe that Ciara has the psychic powers. He's going to prove to his bosses that he can still useful and is more than a babysitter by getting Ciara to admit she helps with the theft of these missing jewels. The cat and mouse games ensue from there for these two. I really liked the beginning of the book. The lead couple had chemistry and I was looking forward to their little battles. The middle of the book for me was weak. I thought the sequence of events were a bit disjointed and didn't flow very well. It felt like it just popped from one scene to another real fast and didn't hold my interest much. I found myself skimming a bit. The ending was cute though. Overall though I still enjoyed my first time with Vivi. Even though this was the 4th book I was still able to follow the story. I don't think you really need to read the others before you read this. It was a cute fast paced adventure.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 November, 2010: Finished reading
  • 30 November, 2010: Reviewed