Ready or Not by J L Berg

Ready or Not (Ready)

by J L Berg

Ready or not...
Here comes love.

Single father Jackson Reid has his hands full with all the responsibilities and shenanigans of his prepubescent son. And his exotic and free-spirited neighbor doesn't make it any easier. With her wild and new age lifestyle, self-made success story Liv Prescott drives him insane, but still manages to leave him aching in more ways than one.

When Jackson's son begins to struggle, it's Liv who bails them out. Now, neither Jackson nor Liv can resist the pull as passion and desire erupts, turning their hate to an undeniable attraction.

But when danger threatens their safe neighborhood, Jackson must rely on Liv's help. Before time runs out, they must trust each other completely--even when they fear the worst. Can they let down their guard and be ready for something neither one saw coming?

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Jackson, Jackson, Jackson. I loved Jackson. His good old boy Southern charm and his personality won me over almost immediately. Of all the heroes in the Ready series, I think it's Jackson who give Logan the biggest run for best male.

Liv and Jackson have something pretty special, even if Liv doesn't initially want to see it. After their initial meeting, which didn't go well, these neighbors found themselves drawn to one another. Whether it was to issue a challenge or to just chat with one another, they couldn't seem to stay away. Jackson may not have been one to date, especially with his eleven year old son, but he was open to seeing just what this thing was with Liv. Liv may say she doesn't want a relationship, but she can't deny her feelings for Jackson or walk away from him. What we get is a courtship that is fun, sexy, and definitely hot at times.

Liv and Jackson don't have an easy road through their courtship. Liv's estranged father starts investigating a bid for the White House, which forces Liv to realize just where she stands in the grand scheme of things with her dad. And then Jackson's ex comes to town hoping to cash in our Liv's family wealth. Those events proved that these two were meant for each other, since what they went through made them stronger and understand just how much they need each other.

We get to spend a lot of time with the other couples in the Ready series, which is always fun. It's nice to be able to see that each of them is just as tight, if not tighter, since their HEAs.

JL Berg is an author I always jump to get when I see she has a new release out. The stories she writes always manage to grab onto you, as a reader, and get you emotionally involved right from the very beginning. Her voice constantly amazes me and I look forward to whatever she has coming out next.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 12 December, 2014: Reviewed