The Escape by David Baldacci

The Escape (John Puller, #3)

by David Baldacci

From the Sunday Times number one bestselling author, David Baldacci, The Escape is the third title in this fast-paced, breathtaking series.

Military CID investigator John Puller has returned from his latest case to learn that his brother, Robert, once a major in the United States Air Force and an expert in nuclear weaponry and cyber-security, has escaped from the Army's most secure prison. Preliminary investigations show that Robert - convicted of treason - may have had help in his breakout. Now he's on the run, and he's the military's number one target.

John Puller has a dilemma. Which...

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  • Started reading
  • 29 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 29 June, 2015: Reviewed