All the Weyrs of Pern by Anne McCaffrey

All the Weyrs of Pern (Pern, #23)

by Anne McCaffrey

A science fiction classic from a master of the genre

When AIVAS -- the Artificial Intelligence Voice Address System -- was first discovered at Landing, the entire planet of Pern was awed at the knowledge it divulged. All the history of the people of Pern was there. Dragonholders, Lord Holders and Craftmasters crowded into the tiny inner room to learn the secrets of their beginnings. Ana AIVAS had other gifts to offer -- stored information of old crafts that had been forgotten, of medicine, music and technology.

Bu the greatest promise AIVAS offered was the chance to rid Pern of Thread forever. All the great ones of Pern began the long and arduous task of learning just how to operate the incredible plan -- a plan of such daring and epic proportions that both dragons and riders would be put at risk.

Reviewed by angelarenea9 on

4 of 5 stars

I really loved the way this book tired into Dragonsdawn I think it tide the story up nicely. I particularly liked the conclusion to Master Harper Robinson's story. I really found AIVAS refreshing because usually the artificial intelligence is the bad guy and trying to take over the world rather than trying to save it. The more I read the Pern books the more I see a wonderful story about the land even more than any one character. It did seem to go a little bit slowly in some places but overall it was a great book. I would definitely recommend this book to any fan of the Pern books.

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  • 19 May, 2013: Finished reading
  • 19 May, 2013: Reviewed