Reviewed by Kim Deister on

5 of 5 stars

Warding the Magic is the first book in the Myrmidya series, the epitome of epic fantasy. The story is years in the making as the author started creating the world while still in elementary school. Beginning as almost a game between his friends, the childhood idea has been developed into an entire world, complete with histories, maps, culture, etc. This is one of those books that you could just feel the heart and soul that went into it. Because fantasy is generally set in worlds completely different from our own, sometimes it feels as if I, as the reader, am more of an observer to the story than actually in it, I was most definately present in this book. It was completely engrossing. I found it to be very well-written, descriptive but not overwhelmingly so. The action was well-paced and kept me on the edge until the end.

The characters were very well-developed, entirely real and believable, despite their roots in a fantasy world. I love being able to experience the happenings within a story along with the characters, and that happened for me with this book. I also liked that none of the main characters were made out to be perfect, like superheroes. They had flaws, just like everyone else. The ending completely grabbed me, and left an excellent cliffhanger for the next Myrmidya book. I highly recommend this book!!

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  • 19 May, 2011: Finished reading
  • 19 May, 2011: Reviewed