Reviewed by phyllish on

3 of 5 stars

Mistletoe Kiss by Andrea Boyd

Friendship kiss or boyfriend kiss?

My rating is 3.5 stars

The concept behind Mistletoe Kiss was cute and is a trope I enjoy a lot – best friends for life decide to be part of an attempt to set a world record. The conflict – Chase is in love with Rachel but fears that telling her will ruin their friendship. And the record they are attempting to break involves kissing. On the lips. For ten seconds.

I liked Chase and his insecurity, though that also frustrated me. I loved the sweet closeness of his big family and the way they practically adopted Rachel years ago. His younger brother, Zane, was funny with his cocky “I know more about girls than both my big brothers” attitude.

Some of the family traditions they had were fun. Like the gingerbread competition. The things the “boys” did to their creation were funny. The Christmas karaoke that they did every year was another great one. I enjoyed how much enthusiasm they put into these things.

Rachel was a little too clueless. It bothered me that she would think that sitting on Chase’s lap was okay. (This isn’t a spoiler, really – it happens on the first page.) As adults, that just seems inappropriate, especially at work. Yeah, it was used to show how Chase felt about her and to establish her effervescent and affectionate personality, but it still bothered me.

I found that I was only partially emotionally invested in the story.

This review was originally posted on Among the Reads

I was given a free copy of this item. This gift did not influence my opinion or review.

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  • 9 September, 2018: Reviewed