Never Let You Go by Chevy Stevens

Never Let You Go

by Chevy Stevens

Eleven years ago, Lindsey Nash escaped into the night with her young daughter and left an abusive relationship. Her ex-husband, Andrew, was sent to jail and Lindsey started over with a new life. Now, Lindsey is older and wiser, with her own business and a teenage daughter who needs her more than ever. When Andrew is finally released from prison, Lindsey believes she has cut all ties and left the past behind her. But she gets the sense that someone is watching her, tracking her every move. Her new boyfriend is threatened. Her home is invaded, and her daughter is shadowed. Lindsey is convinced it's her ex-husband, even though he claims he's a different person. But has he really changed? Is the one who wants her dead closer to home than she thought?

Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Latte Nights Reviews.

I can't believe this is my first Chevy Stevens book... Why have I never read a book by this fantastic author?! Guys, this book completely blew me away! My review will not express just how amazing this book was so why don't you see for yourself and buy this thrilling read?!

At the beginning of the story, the chapters alternate between present and past—the past starting off with Andrew and Lindsey falling in love, starting a family and then fear for Lindsey's life after Andrew shows his abusive side. All of this leads up to the present time. Now, Andrew is out of prison and Lindsey is sure he's seeking revenge. After all, he knows she had something to do with him ending up in jail and the illegal way Lindsey went about it.

I loved that this story not only focused on the abusive and toxic relationship between Lindsey and Andrew but also on Lindsey's daughter Sofia and her relationship with her mom and her dad. I felt for Sofia a lot. All she remembers of her dad was that he was a great father figure so to find out what he did to her mom left her really conflicted. Still, Sofia wanted to meet up with her father and learn more about him, which is very understandable. Again, my heart broke for her and for Lindsey as well.

"Your dad loved to scare me."

I'm beyond impressed by Stevens writing. Her words lured me into the story and gripped my attention. Stevens wrote everything in a way that toyed with my emotions, and I was actually loving this. It made for a great page-turner! You don't want to stop reading at all. Let me tell you, I never saw the plot twist coming. Never. I thought I had it figured it out. I really did. I was so sure, I was willing to bet money on who the culprit was. Well, I'm glad I didn't bet anything or I would have lost everything I owned. Guys, the twist came out of nowhere! It caught me off guard and left me breathless. I'm still in shock, okay?! It was that good!

Never Let You Go is a brilliant, fear-inducing, heart-racing, thrilling mystery that will grip its readers to the very end!

I received an ARC from the publisher via mail for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.This review was originally posted on Latte Nights Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 February, 2017: Finished reading
  • 25 February, 2017: Reviewed