Reviewed by goodnghtmoonx on

2 of 5 stars

Bound has an interesting premise behind it, and the fact that it's free on Amazon is nice. However.... it's possible that it's free for a reason.

A lot of this book seemed weirdly paced. So much information was crammed all at the beginning in an unrealistic manner that it was difficult to comprehend. There was very little lead up to a lot of the events that happened, and a lot of it seemed rushed. The book is also incredibly short. I was able to finish it within two hours this morning. Characters were borderline flat. Motives seemed to be mixed, or nonexistent.

My biggest problem with this story is the fact that this "novel" only feels like it's half done. Everything from 70% on feel like they're the build up to the climax. That they should be at the half way point, not the ending.

The writing is not too, too bad. I have definitely read better, and have also read worse. Characters are flat, but they're enough to provide for an quick and easy read. I"ll probably end up reading the second one just to see if the story actually gets the conclusion that this book deserved.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 May, 2017: Finished reading
  • 19 May, 2017: Reviewed