Keeper by Kim Chance


by Kim Chance

When a 200-year-old witch attacks her, sixteen-year-old bookworm Lainey Styles is determined to find a logical explanation. Even with the impossible staring her in the face, Lainey refuses to believe it--until she finds a photograph linking the witch to her dead mother. After consulting a psychic, Lainey discovers that she, like her mother, is a Keeper: a witch with the exclusive ability to unlock and wield the Grimoire, a dangerous but powerful spell book. But there's a problem. The Grimoire has been stolen by a malevolent warlock who is desperate for a spell locked inside it--a spell that would allow him to siphon away the world's magic. With the help of her comic-book-loving best friend and an enigmatic but admittedly handsome street fighter, Lainey must leave her life of college prep and studying behind to prepare for the biggest test of all: stealing back the book.

Reviewed by writehollydavis on

4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed reading Keeper! It took so many turns I hadn't expected, which kept me reading more! I got attached to all the characters and thought the plot was solid. I am really a fan of Kim's writing style, the kind of no-nonsense writing where there's the perfect amount of description, dialogue, and prose. I can't wait for the sequel!

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  • Started reading
  • 25 November, 2017: Finished reading
  • 25 November, 2017: Reviewed