Storm Front by Susan May Warren

Storm Front (Montana Rescue, #5)

by Susan May Warren

A tornado has destroyed a small Minnesota community and among the missing are not only a group of students but PEAK Rescue team leader Chet King. Ty Remington will stop at nothing to rescue his mentor, not even when the girl he loved--and lost--walks back into his life. But Brette needs his help more than he knows, despite her stubborn determination to push him away. And when he gets a second chance, loving her just might cost him more than he can imagine.

A blogger for Vortex Storm Chasers, Brette Arnold didn't expect her adventures to land her in the same place as Ty, the guy who she walked--no, ran--from over a year ago. She had her reasons--good ones. The kind that tell her that falling for him again would only lead to heartache. But Ty isn't the kind of man to give up--not on the missing students, or on her.

Life and love hang in the balance in Susan May Warren's breathless story of holding on to hope during a deadly summer of storms.

Reviewed by phyllish on

5 of 5 stars

Some books are harder to rate than others are. The only difficulty I had rating Storm Front is that there aren’t more stars to give it.

My emotions ran amok as I read. I smiled. I sighed. I started. I shuddered. I sobbed. I swooned. (Okay, I didn’t really sob, but I couldn’t come up with a word meaning got teary-eyed that starts with an “S”.) This compelling book by author Susan May Warren was such a satisfactory story.

I am not an adrenaline junkie, nor do I have even an inkling of what causes people to do the crazy kinds of things they do, such a chasing storms. No, thank you! I like being in control and safe. However, I get it now, at least a little, what drives people to seek out tornadoes. I had no idea that part of the point is that human eyes and instinct are really necessary to predict where they will hit to issue warnings. Hmm.

Brette broke my heart. The fear that controlled her life and the absence of hope were so sad to behold. The way she felt she needed to keep her pain and cancer away from all her friends so they wouldn’t feel compelled to help her. Yeah, she made me almost cry. I wanted so badly to reach through the pages so I could hug her!

The road Ty traveled, from despondency and guilt to purpose and hope was so beautiful. I love the fact that he never really let go of his faith, and how he was able to express so wonderfully what he believes and why. His heart for those who are lost is the kind of heart I want!

“That’s what love does – it goes into the storm to rescue, or protect, or just to stick around and share in the suffering.”

I loved the way that the “Christian” aspects of this book flowed from it so naturally. Though the characters in the story struggled with faith through the dark times they experienced, God’s faithfulness shone through loud and clear.

“At first, I was so afraid. Filled with dread.” Lottie said quietly. “Except, dread is produced by the fear of going through something alone…and I wasn’t alone. God doesn’t promise to keep the storm away, but he says he’ll be with me through it. My faith won’t protect me from the loss, but it will carry me and keep me from despair.”

This story has many characters from previous books in the Montana Rescue series, and it is obvious that though the story can stand alone, that it is designed for you to read each of the books in order.

This review was originally posted on Among the Reads

I would like to thank Netgalley, Revell for giving me this item. This gift did not influence my opinion or review.

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  • 17 May, 2018: Reviewed