Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

Most mothers that have had a child go through school probably have had a fantasy of being intimate with one of their children’s teachers. My daughter is young – only 7 – and there’s a teacher at her elementary school that is absolutely dreamy! (Don’t tell my husband!) This book takes that fantasy and brings it to life through Mia – a single mother who hasn’t given much time or thought to men since she divorced years ago. When her son’s science teacher, Curt, asks for her phone number, Mia is taken on a steamy and emotional ride she never thought she’d travel down again.

This book does a phenomenal job of taking a bitter, lonely woman through an emotional growth that is familiar to so many women. It proves that regardless of age, confidence and self-acceptance goes far in life, and can determine some of life’s toughest decisions. Aside from all of the emotions that the book takes you through, it gives you some pretty sexy and steamy scenes too!

The romance between Mia and Curt is a great love story. It’s one that I wasn’t expecting, and thoroughly enjoyed. I hope that others will indulge themselves and pick this one up.

Reviewed by Marie for Cocktails and Books

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  • 28 September, 2013: Reviewed