Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


I like this cover. It is certainly better than book ones cover. Good representation of the story. Fairy good composition. Nice typography. I would have liked to seen the byline underneath the author's names since the placement of it throws off the whole composition a bit. Overall though it's a well-done cover.

I enjoyed this one. Not as much as the first one mostly because I could NOT stand Andie in the least. I honestly almost threw in the towel after the first few chapters because she was just SOOO f-ing crazy. And can we please STOP writing about heroines physically attacking other people like it's some "HaHa look how feisty she is" thing. I hardly think anyone would think it appropriate if Roman hauled off and punched Andie because he was mad!

That said as the book went on she mellowed (for the most part) there were still moments where I felt someone should have called her on her OTT psycho behavior and not humored her but Roman was the star of this one, so I kept reading for him.

Overall it wasn't bad and it had some laugh out loud moments. It was well written and nicely paced. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 March, 2017: Finished reading
  • 30 March, 2017: Reviewed