The Wolves of Winter by Tyrell Johnson

The Wolves of Winter

by Tyrell Johnson

"A captivating tale of humanity pushed beyond its breaking point, The Wolves of Winter follows a heroic young woman who crosses all boundaries to save the ones she loves."--Cover.

Reviewed by shannonmiz on

5 of 5 stars

You can find the full review and all the fancy and/or randomness that accompanies it at It Starts at Midnight


I'd never heard of this book before Greg @ Book Haven recommended it, but more peopleĀ should be hearing about it cause it's kind of awesome. The setting is pretty damn amazing, rural Yukon Canada. It's snowy and cold and completely isolated- or so the characters thought. It's post-apocalyptic which I am a fan of, but it also includes a lot of survival themes, and a load of family stuff. Other than a few semi-farfetched (and spoilery, sorry) things that happened, I really loved this. And I hope there's a sequel, because while the ending is pretty satisfying, I think there's room for a lot more story to be told in this world (and from what I understand, the author has ideas, yay).

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 8 March, 2018: Finished reading
  • 8 March, 2018: Reviewed