Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


Side Note: I'm testing out a new review format. I am thinking of switching all my reviews to the same format I use when doing my "stepping out" challenge reviews. Let me know what you think Y/N?? 

I found this one to be very well written. It was nicely paced and the story never dragged at any point. The plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages.

I rather loved the hero in this one. Devin was a great guy. Maybe not as dirty and sadistic as I had expected (hoped) but he was still sexy as f-ck. Domineering. Knew his way around a belt. But he was also sweet. Charming. Pretty much all in for Ella from the start.

Ella was a little harder for me to warm up to. I didn't really understand her reasons for not wanting to love anyone. They just seemed a tad silly to me. Especially coming from someone who is supposed to be oh so smart. That said, I still managed to like her well enough that it didn't take away from my enjoyment of the book overall.

There really isn't too many secondary characters in this one. The couple from book one make a couple brief appearances and Milo plays a rather larger part (threesomes with the Devin and Ella at the club). I am certainly intrigued by Milo and can't wait for his book. Although the dude sure gets around with the heroines in this series (lol)


Highish. The sex scenes were hot and plentiful. I thought Dev would be a bit more of a hardcore sadist, so I was a bit disappointed with that. There is spanking, anal, bondage, sharing, and a lot more.

I didn't find this a particularly angsty book. There is a lot of fighting feelings, but I wouldn't say that manifests itself in much push/pull. There also wasn't any OW/OM drama. It was never specifically said, but I am fairly certain Devin wasn't with any OW after meeting Ella. He, of course, shared Ella with other Doms when they were at the club. But other than that there was no one else for Ella either.

I enjoyed this one a lot. Maybe not quite as much as book one. I found the heroine a bit difficult to warm up to. That said, I did like the hero. Even if he was a bit tame for my liking in the sadist department. This author has a very readable way to her writing that gets you hooked from page one. She knows her way around a good sex scene as well. So yea, I liked it a lot and I can't wait to see what she has in store for us with Milo's book. Two thumbs up from yours truly.

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  • 17 January, 2018: Finished reading
  • 17 January, 2018: Reviewed