Reviewed by Eve1972 on

1 of 5 stars


Just a little caveat before I begin my review, see that graphic above that states "ARC GENEROUSLY PROVIDED IN EXCHANGE FOR AN HONEST REVIEW"? I take that VERY seriously. If I don't like a book I am not going to LIE because I was given a 3 dollar book for free. I would hope that the author would understand when you put your work out there that not EVERYONE is going to like it.

I am simply ONE person with an opinion and that is mine to express. Messaging me (just to be clear it wasn't the author who messaged me) to tell me I clearly have NO clue what good writing is, doesn't reflect well on YOU nor the AUTHOR, so cut it out...OK off my soapbox now...

I honestly don't even know how to begin with this review. I was SO excited to read this one, but NOTHING, not ONE single thing worked for me with this book.

The insta-love didn't work for me AT ALL.. Literally, ten pages in and their relationship was a done deal. I get this was one of those "insta" books, but a LITTLE bit of relationship build-up would have been nice. The dialogue was CHEESY. Kayla was ridiculous. I guess she was supposed to come across badass, but she just came across like a bad b-movie character. These bikers had to the pussiest group of bikers I have ever run across.

There were also a plethora of OTT ridiculous situations in this book. The book was basically sex scenes and stupid OTT baddie situations. And that ending...well that was a GIANT ridiculous cherry that topped this hot mess for me.

Unfortunately, this was just a HUGE miss. I did finish it, so I am giving myself a pat on the back for that...

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  • Started reading
  • 29 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 29 November, 2016: Reviewed