Magic Moment by Angela Adams

Magic Moment (Crimson Romance)

by Angela Adams

When the FBI brings Laura Roberts - a quiet, reserved bookkeeper - in for questioning regarding activities at the warehouse where she works, an uneasy Laura resigns her job - only to be attacked by thugs.

Chase Donovan intends to spend a few peaceful days on his boat getting his head together - and finds a woman being assaulted by two men who say his father told them to do it.

Chase doesn't want to believe his father could hurt anyone. Laura doesn't understand why she's a target. Can they learn to work together to discover the truth - before someone dies?

Sensuality Level: Sensual

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

3 of 5 stars

Romantic suspense is one of my favorite genres. I love the action, mystery and seeing two people thrown together in a high stress situation. Magic Moments by Angela Adams was a fun ride, filled with danger and a romance featuring one of my favorite tropes.

The set up for Magic Moments is an excellent one. Laura is approached, detained and questioned by the FBI in regards to her bookkeeping job and the dockside Fruit Company, who employs her. It scares her, and she hands in her resignation. These events have her kidnapped, drugged and tied to a bed inside a sailboat. As she prepares herself for the unthinkable Chase Donovan rescues her. He owns the boat where she was attacked and is the son of her former employer. The thugs claim Donovan’s Dad hired them, but Chase is having a hard time believing his father would ever hurt Laura. Laura is not sure if she can trust Chase, but the two decide to work together to find the truth.

The tale that unfolds was captivating. Adams used a few of my favorite tropes including the marriage arrangement, but she added her own unique twists. The relationship that developed between Laura and Chase resembled insta-love at the beginning and I rolled my eyes. However, Adams slowed things down and allowed them to grow, and flounder as a couple before declarations of undying love. The romance itself is sweet, fade to black and will have broad appeal. The investigation was interesting with several well crafted plot twists.  The FBI and the family relationship made for some exciting developments. Chase and Laura are an attractive couple, but their relationship is a rocky one. Miscommunication, emotions and family meddling created some turbulence in the middle of this ride. I may have wanted to smack them both in the back of the head a time or too, but there is growth and I genuinely cared about them. The tale started off intense, meandered in the middle and took off during the last portion of the book as the tension escalated. I closed this book satisfied with the ride.

If you are looking for quick suspense and sweet romance, then Magic Moments offers a delightful escape. Adams spins a good tale, and I look forward to reading more of her works.This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 30 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 30 June, 2014: Reviewed