Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

"Assassin" is another great book from Nicola Cameron. Not only is it a menage, but it's a MANLOVE menage. It's also sci fi, and I really enjoy that. Aliens really do something for me. There's action, danger, and some very heroic men. Best of all, there is humor. I love when a book makes me laugh, and books like "Assissin" always make it into my "To Read Again" file on my Kindle.

This story starts out with a bang. A group of men from the New Black Watch are out on a patrol in search of a band of thieves who stole a very important power cell from a refugee camp. BOOM! There's an ambush, and one of our heroes, Duncan, is wounded. He happens upon a shuttle ship out in the woods and is rescued by two handsome aliens, a Xyran and an Alphan. Normally, those species are enemies, but Zahn and Taric, well...they're secret lovers. Together they are hot, but when Duncan is thrown into the mix? WHEW!! They're amazing together. They completely sizzle.

It's not a very long book, so things happen quickly. The men meet and become intimate once they realize that they are bondmates. After that, everything takes off. There is a slavemaster that needs to be stopped, and Duncan, Zahn, and Taric are just the men to do it. It was all very smooth. It didn't feel rushed or choppy. Sometimes, sci fi stories are convoluted and hard to follow, but not "Assassin". I knew exactly what was going on at all times.

All in all, I was very satisfied with this book. I like the way Nicola Cameron writes, and I like her characters. I'm so pleased to have discovered her stories. I highly recommend this one. It's short, sweet, and to the point. I think you'll enjoy it as much as I did.

Reviewed by Kenna for Cocktails and Books

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  • 24 November, 2014: Reviewed