Courtney Crumrin Volume 1: The Night Things by Ted Naifeh

Courtney Crumrin Volume 1: The Night Things

by Ted Naifeh

Presenting the initial Courtney Crumrin miniseries in a new digest-sized
format. Courtney's parents have dragged her out to a high-to-do suburb to live
with her creepy Great Uncle Aloysius in his spooky old house. She's not only the
new kid in school, but she also discovers strange things lurking under her

Reviewed by celinenyx on

3 of 5 stars

Cute and easy to read, but the characters were rather stereotypical and the plots simplistic. I liked the few glimpse we get from the monsters and "darker side" though

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 14 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 14 October, 2014: Reviewed