A Minute to Midnight by David Baldacci

A Minute to Midnight (Atlee Pine Thriller, #2) (Atlee Pine)

by David Baldacci

A Minute to Midnight is the gripping follow up to Long Road to Mercy featuring Special Agent Atlee Pine from one of the world’s most favourite thriller writers, David Baldacci.

Without Mercy.

At six years old, Atlee’s twin sister, Mercy, was taken from the family home while Atlee was left for dead. Since that fateful night, Atlee has dedicated her life and career to catching those who hurt others.

Word of a killer.

Atlee has never stopped searching for answers about her sister. A notorious serial killer, locked in a maximum-security prison, continues to haunt her. Does he really know what happened to...

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Reviewed by Steve Manke on

4 of 5 stars

A little contrived, but a good followup to the first in the series. Certainly worth the read.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 November, 2019: Finished reading
  • 23 November, 2019: Reviewed