Raziel by Kristina Douglas

Raziel (Fallen, #1)

by Kristina Douglas

Kristina Douglas’s sexy new series introduces a realm of fallen angels and ruthless demons, where an eternal rebellion is brewing . . . and one unsuspecting woman can change the fate of the Fallen forever.

She was just an ordinary mortal . . .

“You’re dead” is so not what Allie Watson wants to hear. Unfortunately, it explains a lot. Like the dark, angelically handsome man who ferried her to this strange, hidden land. The last thing she remembers is stepping off a curb in front of a crosstown bus. Now she’s surrounded by gorgeous fallen angels with an unsettling taste...

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Reviewed by Linda on

3 of 5 stars

Three and a half stars. It would have gotten more stars if there was more mythology in there, and maybe if the Fallen weren't so stubborn, all of them! I really loved Allie, she's a woman after my own heart. However, even if I loved Raziel too, he was too stubborn to see what was going on around him, and he didn't really want to embrace his destiny, but he was all for Allie embracing hers. Raziel didn't come through for her until it was almost too late. The series does have a lot of potential, though, and I will read the next book that will be relased later this year. I just hope that the mythology will make more sense, and that we will get to know Allie a little bit more. She had more than a few layers, but something was still kind of missing, I can't put my finger on what it is, but I felt like I needed something more to get to know her better, and to get things on a deeper level.

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  • Started reading
  • 4 February, 2011: Finished reading
  • 4 February, 2011: Reviewed