Unbelievably Gluten-Free! by Anne Byrn

Unbelievably Gluten-Free!

by Anne Byrn

Author also of "The Cake Mix Doctor Bakes Gluten-Free", and other cookbooks, Anne Byrn knows how to deliver incredible flavours. She replaces wheat, barley, and rye with gluten-free ingredients and employs creative techniques for achieving flawless textures and consistencies. These are recipes that taste as good - not almost as good - as they should: Tomato Panzanella Salad, Baked French Onion Soup, Spaghetti Carbonara, Grilled Chicken and Pesto Pizza, The Best GF Meat Loaf, Plus dessert: Warm Lemon Pudding Cake, Gluten- Free Red Velvet Cake, Fresh Orange Cupcakes, Old-Fashioned Peach and Blueberry Cobbler, and Gluten-Free Saucepan Brownies. It includes how to convert favourite recipes and tips for eating gluten-free on a budget.

Reviewed by BookeryBliss on

4 of 5 stars

I found this Gluten-free recipe book to be a very well rounded book.
It provided different variations to our usual meals that my children and family enjoyed.
The recipes were delicious and simple too!

*I received a copy of this book in a First Reads giveaway in exchange for an honest review. This in no way affected my opinion of the book or the content disclosed in my review. *

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  • Started reading
  • 9 February, 2013: Finished reading
  • 9 February, 2013: Reviewed