The Harlot's Daughter by Blythe Gifford

The Harlot's Daughter (Harlequin Historical, #870)

by Blythe Gifford

Her vulnerability made her dangerous...

Lady Solay's eyes met those of a hard-edged man. His implacable gaze sliched through her and, for an instant, she forgot everything else. A mistake. She had no time for emotion when so much depended on her finding favor at court.

Lord Justin Lamont couldn't look away from the late king's scandalous-illegitimate-daughter. Head held high, she walked as if the court adored her. No matter the pain in her eyes, Justin resolutely snuffed out a spark of sympathy. He must guard against her bewitching charms...

Reviewed by elysium on

3 of 5 stars

I mainly read this because it has connection to Edward III (heroines mother ALice Perrers) and I knew it was big on romance side. I thought it was a nice surprise because I did enjoy it.

But still it was okay but couldn't see much chemistry between the characters. I thought the author tried to keep them apart too hard for no apparent reason.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 March, 2012: Finished reading
  • 29 March, 2012: Reviewed