Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

2 of 5 stars

I found it very hard to read Two Lairds One Lady. I felt as if the character were one dimensional, and were not growing or becoming more interesting. It was very true too its time period setting, which was a great bonus. But beyond that there wasn't going on plot wise for the book. When I started reading it i was very excited about the prospect of the book. In the beginning it seemed like Elspeth was going to a strong heroine, but then all of the fainting and swooning started. Even though it eased up towards the end of Two Lairds One Lady, by then I already felt that she needed a man to hold her to make her strong and to keep going. Thayer was very interesting. I found the way switched places with his brother to get out of marriage kinda funny, only to find he was quite attracted to Elspeth himself. I also felt that some of the more romantic moments happened at times, were there was pressing matters. In part of the book they stopped to have a meal in a meadow, while on the way to try to get their brothers whom were being held prisoner at Elspeth home. After eating they decide to have a pretend sword fight and play around. After reading that I felt that they had no worry for their families or that Elspeth's home had been taken by the enemy.

I give Two Lairds One lady, two Cocktails.

Reviewed by SammySosa for Cocktails and Books

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  • 16 May, 2013: Reviewed