Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

3 of 5 stars

The Becoming by William Truax III is unlike what I thought it would be. I had a completely different version of the book from the synopsis to what the book actually is.

The book is in two different point-of-views. The first point-of-view is of Cameron and she is, unknowingly to her, a witch. The second point-of-view is of Sam and he is, unknowingly also an angel or at least part of an angel.

Cameron is a believable character that is trying to get a job and support herself. Which she does with the help of her friend, Francis. Cameron finds out about her being a witch and that her main powers are with electricity and lightning. To me, those two powers sound so awesome. I also think that these powers totally fit Cameron. Cameron will isn't as strong as I would think someone of her power should be. It is almost like she goes under a spell and loses herself in him.

Sam is living on his own despite his mom having a key to his apartment. He works at Walmart and has made recent changes to his lifestyle. Sam is a believable character. At first, his mother was very overprotective of him but then she seems to allow him to become an adult. The mother-son relationship between the two was totally sweet, I could totally picture it. He didn’t really know about himself being an Angel until he went to get his girlfriend back from the people that took her away.

The book overall was good. I truly like the concept. Although, the beginning of the book was slow and kind of hard for me to get into. Once I got to the middle of the book, it was fast-paced and I liked it more. However, I found the gaps of time that weren't explained well, due to the deep point of view that author maintains. I also found that I had a lot of unanswered questions after reading the book. These unanswered questions had to do with things that I didn’t understand in the book and with why certain things happened when it contradicted with what the character was thinking/doing in the first half of the book. The gaps in time really bothered the flow of the story. I figured these might be answered within the other books of the series.

The Becoming by William Truax III is overall a good book but not exactly what I thought it would be. I am giving it a three butterflies rating due to the time gaps and the unanswered questions. I think that the author really has a way with keeping with the point of view which is good. But I would like to see a better switch and less confusion when going from Cameron to Sam. I feel that this author will continue to grow as a writer. Please give it a try as if you like mythology you may understand it better than I did.

Anyways until the next time enjoy this book review brought to you by

Baroness’ Book Trove.


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