Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Coffee Dates with Through His Eyes:

First Date: We meet Trudy Tucker a psychic who is still learning to harness her skills. Plagued by nightmares and visions, she can walk in the mind of a killer. When she dreams of the killer stalking victims in Key West, she joins her friend and adviser to team up with the gorgeous and talented Levi Wolfe. I loved Tucker from her little dog to her traveling home on wheels. I love when I slip right into a story and Camp drew me in from page one.

Second date: Trudy is snarky,  in part because people are dolts, but also to cover up some confidence issues. She finds Levi seriously attractive and it pisses her off a little. TV shows, and rumors ping him as a player and she is convinced woman fall at his feet. The fact that she finds him sexy and feels like a blushing teenager unnerves her, and it was at times hilarious. These two are destined to tango; it is just a matter of when. Levi is charismatic, and he has used that to help law enforcement, publish his books and appear as a guest speaker. He runs his gift like a business and has no qualms about it. He is attracted to Trudy and makes his intentions clear. The murders are brutal and seeing into the mind of the victims and killer was fascinating. Camp made it feel realistic, and showed Trudy’s struggle to let go and use her gift.

Third Date: Spirit Guides, a major hint, more victims and heat between the sheets have me flipping the pages. I am enjoying Trudy and Levi’s interactions from the banter to the sexy time. He may be more experienced, but his feelings for Trudy upend him. There is no insta-love, but a slow realistic build-up. The final scenes are a frenzy, riddled with danger and Camp delivers the mother of all cliffhangers!! I was freaked out…that is until I saw there is a companion book coming in September. Thank you because I might have thrown my Nook across the room and promptly stomped on it! Through His Touch, the second novel will be available September 1st and I cannot wait to find out what is happening. Eep.

Fans of romantic suspense and paranormal woo-woo will enjoy Through His Eyes. Camp offers fleshed out, realistic characters with unusual gifts and a plot that notched up the suspense.

Copy provided by author in exchange for unbiased review.This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 2 July, 2014: Finished reading
  • 2 July, 2014: Reviewed