Survivor In Death by J D Robb

Survivor In Death (In Death, #20)

by J D Robb

Murder was always an insult. But the murder, bloody and brutal, of an entire family in their own home, was a different form of evil.

Nixie Swisher crept down the stairs for a drink - and saved her own life. When Lieutenant Eve Dallas is called to the house minutes later, she finds the whole family murdered in their beds. But the killers made a mistake: they left a survivor.

Nixie saw everything. And unfortunately for her, these elite killers soon realise they need to finish the job. So Eve and her billionaire husband Roarke give everything they can to keep...

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Reviewed by Berls on

4 of 5 stars

Another great one! I always enjoy Eve with kids, but this was different - in a great way. I liked seeing Eve and Roarke acting almost as parents - maybe it won't be so long after all for them to have one of their own? The mystery was good and it was neat seeing some old elements come into play. Eve was stumped longer than she normally is, which was also enjoyable. As much as I enjoyed it, I think I'm finally read to take take an In Death break :)

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 27 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 27 November, 2016: Reviewed