Save Her Soul by Lisa Regan

Save Her Soul (Detective Josie Quinn, #9)

by Lisa Regan

Josie flinches as she takes in the faded blue sports jacket wrapped around the girl they just pulled from the water. Josie knew someone who’d once owned that jacket. He had died in her arms five years ago.

Heavy rain pours on the small town of Denton causing the riverbanks to break and the body of a young girl to float quietly to the surface. With no crime scene to examine, the odds are against Detective Josie Quinn and her team. Mercifully, the victim’s body is perfectly preserved, right down to the baseball patch on the jacket she was wearing....

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Reviewed by Emma (SCR) on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. This is the ninth book in the Josie Quinn series, but these can be read as standalones.

I love this series so much! Josie is a character that is just so easy to root for. She is kick-ass but she also has a softer side. We saw a lot more of that softer side in this book. It was really nice to see that the indestructible Josie is human after all. Josie really goes through the wringer in this one and I wanted to just give her the biggest hug. Her whole life seemed to be crumbling around her once again and I felt like she just needed one.

This story was full of twists and turns. Lisa does a great job of building up the tension and when you think you have it figured out she pulls the rug out from under you. I love the pace. The story had me hooked from the opening page and I really struggled to put it down.

Being back in the world of Josie Quinn is a place that really does make me happy. Well as happy as crime novel does! I love all the side characters and how much they have grown since the first book. I hope that there will be another book because I don't think I am quite done with these characters yet.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 August, 2020: Finished reading
  • 8 August, 2020: Reviewed