Blind the Eyes by K a Wiggins

Blind the Eyes (Threads of Dreams, #1)

by K.A. Wiggins

Welcome to the city of nightmares. Don't look up.

Haunted 17-year-old outcast Cole has one goal: blend in with the crowd—to avoid execution by Mara. So when a stranger shows up with a dangerously tempting offer, there's no way she's going to listen to his lies. At least, that was the plan . . .

But when the monster-taken draw her into their horrific final moments—and expose the rot at the heart of her ruined city—lying low is no longer an option. A lifetime of suffocating her dreams and putting every last desire to death haven't exactly equipped Cole...

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Reviewed by Beth C. on

3 of 5 stars

Cole lives a dreamless life—both sleeping and awake. Dreams are not allowed, for they will call the Mara, who will first eat the dreams—and then kill the dreamer. So everyone in the Refuge wears the same color and style of clothing, wears masks to hide their faces, eats a food-adjacent paste called Noosh (that also turns them grey), and is forbidden to even acknowledge the existence of others. Cole, however, she struggles to fit in, to blend…to NOT DREAM. Until the day she steps into someone else’s dream.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 August, 2018: Finished reading
  • 17 August, 2018: Reviewed