Anna and the Swallow Man by Gavriel Savit

Anna and the Swallow Man

by Gavriel Savit

Anna and the Swallow Man is a stunning, literary, and wholly original debut novel that tells a new WW2 story. Krakow, 1939, is no place to grow up. There are a million marching soldiers and a thousand barking dogs. And Anna Lania is just seven years old when the Germans take her father and suddenly, she's alone. Then she meets the Swallow Man. He is a mystery, strange and tall. And like Anna's missing father, he has a gift for languages: Polish, Russian, German, Yiddish, even Bird. When he summons a bright, beautiful swallow down to his hand to stop her from crying, Anna is entranced. Over the course of their travels together, Anna and the Swallow Man will dodge bombs, tame soldiers, and even, despite their better judgement, make a friend. But in a world gone mad, everything can prove dangerous...

Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

2 of 5 stars

I found this a little disappointing. Maybe I shouldn't have listened to this one as on audio or maybe I had just hyped this one up too much for myself.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 November, 2017: Finished reading
  • 15 November, 2017: Reviewed