Stone Embrace by Danielle Monsch

Stone Embrace (Entwined Realms, #1.1)

by Danielle Monsch

In the New Realms, love can be the most dangerous battle of all...

Terak has fought all enemies to claim Larissa. It doesn't matter his own Clan looks upon the union with misgivings. It doesn't matter her family see a monster when they see him.

It doesn't matter, because Larissa is his.

And any who would try to take her away? They'll see what a Gargoyle will do to protect his mate


STONE EMBRACE is best described as an extended epilogue to STONE GUARDIAN. It was written as an extra to thank fans of the Entwined Realms series who loved the story of a Gargoyle and a Human so much, they asked (and kept asking) for moreĀ  ;)

Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

5 of 5 stars

If you read Stone Guardian, you know that Terak and Larissa where the featured couple in a story full of enjoyable characters. It was wonderful to spend more time with them, both alone as a couple and seeing what happened when Terak meets Larissa's human family. I could read a whole series focusing just on them. Unfortunately, this only wet my appetite for more.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 10 June, 2014: Reviewed