Ever Winter by Alexia Purdy

Ever Winter (A Dark Faerie Tale, #3)

by Alexia Purdy

Shade has been left all but shattered.

Travelling to the Ice kingdom, along with her 'body guard' Dylan-who continues to be bound to her-to where the holder of her magic dwells. The war of Faerie amplifies and her only chance to save it will be to resist the enchantments of the Ice King, one of the Ancient rulers of Faerie. But, he has his own agenda and will do anything to stop her from making it to the Summer Kingdom, with her family, to claim back her throne.

These Ancients of Faerie don't want her to succeed, and the wards between the land of Faerie and the mortal world are blurring rapidly. Shade must face treacheries in every crevice of the land, even among the human mortals and trusted allies, before all is lost.

Reviewed by traceyc on

2 of 5 stars

Originally, I was attracted to this series because of the modern fantasy setting and the inclusion of Faerie. I've not really enjoyed the series, and will not be reading the rest. The writing is awkward enough to make me grit my teeth, and the plot is thin. The characters are pretty shallow and some are terribly naive.

Some of the character interaction seems forced and / or stupid. For instance, there is the overly drawn out love triangle, or Soap's too convenient rebound / consolation prize relationship. I don't even like Shade, the main character. She's selfish, impatient and whiny.

This book (and series) reads more like a first draft from a relatively new author that hasn't been through proper editing which would have smoothed out issues with characters, plot and pacing. There are even plain grammatical errors that should have never made it to final publication. I hope the author learns from experience and finds a better editor.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 June, 2018: Finished reading
  • 9 June, 2018: Reviewed