Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

3 of 5 stars

When I hear the words romance and suspense the following comes to mind:

Hot and sizzling romance


So when I chose to read this title I was hoping to find all these ingredients. It did not matter that I was not familiar with the author’s work. The blurb was enough to win me over. Now that I have finished reading this story I was not sure if I would be able to write an adequate review. Why? Dangerous did not turn out the way I had expected. I did not get the hot and sizzling romance nor did I the excitement and thrills. What I got was an average read at best and I was left feeling somewhat discombobulated.

I felt no connection to the characters. I found it difficult to see Camille and Drago together. They say opposites attract but these two were way off base. Camille is a by the book cop who only sees the world in black and white. She avoids relationships out of fear based on an incident from her past. Drago on the other hand is the kind of person who is not afraid to think and act outside the box much to Camille’s dismay. He will do whatever it takes to protect the innocent.

I found Camille to very judgemental. She is quick to judge Drago without the facts as a result, she found it difficult to trust him. This proved to be an impediment to the rekindling of a budding relationship of four years ago.

In regards to the suspense aspect of the story, I thought it was lacking. Yes, there is a serial killer on the prowl who seems to be always one step ahead of the law but there was nothing special about this villain. He is just plain sick and twisted which is normally expected of serial killers. The story is predictable. I was able to figure what was going to happen next. The story moved slowly for the most part, however, it picked up the pace near to end of the story.

Although it did not turn out as I expected, I found this to be an easy read. It was not my favourite read but, I will still recommend it as you may enjoy it more.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 20 January, 2015: Reviewed