The Other Einstein by Marie Benedict

The Other Einstein

by Marie Benedict

From beloved New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Marie Benedict comes the story of a not-so-famous scientist who not only loved Albert Einstein, but also shaped the theories that brought him lasting renown.
In the tradition of Beatriz Williams and Paula McClain, Marie Benedict's The Other Einstein offers us a window into a brilliant, fascinating woman whose light was lost in Einstein's enormous shadow. This novel resurrects Einstein's wife, a brilliant physicist in her own right, whose contribution to the special theory of relativity is hotly debated. Was she simply Einstein's sounding board, an assistant performing complex mathematical equations? Or did she contribute something more?
Mitza Maric has always been a little different from other girls. Most twenty-year-olds are wives by now, not studying physics at an elite Zurich university with only male students trying to outdo her clever calculations. But Mitza is smart enough to know that, for her, math is an easier path than marriage. Then fellow student Albert Einstein takes an interest in her, and the world turns sideways. Theirs becomes a partnership of the mind and of the heart, but there might not be room for more than one genius in a marriage.
Marie Benedict illuminates one pioneering woman in STEM, returning her to the forefront of history's most famous scientists.
"The Other Einstein takes you into Mileva's heart, mind, and study as she tries to forge a place for herself in a scientific world dominated by men."—Bustle
Recommended by PopSugar, Bustle, Booklist, Library Journal and more!
Other Bestselling Historical Fiction from Marie Benedict:
The Mystery of Mrs. Christie
The Only Woman in the Room
Lady Clementine
Carnegie's Maid

Reviewed by Whitney @ First Impressions Reviews on

First Date:
Readers of this blog will know that I enjoy reading books on famous persons' signficant others. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that I picked up The Other Einstein. Unfortunately, I had a little difficulty getting into this novel and even tried listening to some of it. This helped a little, but I enjoyed Mozhan Marno's narration style more than I did the telling of the novel.

Second Date:
Mitza, Albert Einstein's wife was smart and had an interesting life story but Albert had a tendency to use her as a doormat. I was frustrated by this behavior and had a hard time seeing beyond it.

Third Date:
Albert Einstein was a douche and thus took away anything enjoyable that may have been contained in the novel. The Other Einstein will not be getting lucky.

This review was originally posted on First Impressions Reviews

Last modified on

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  • 4 January, 2018: Finished reading
  • 4 January, 2018: Reviewed