Déjà Who? by Julie Stone

Déjà Who?

by Julie Stone

Caroline Summers is prepared for her life to drastically change when she goes home to take care of her father. But she isn’t quite ready to step directly into her past. All anyone wants to talk about is who she used to be—captain of the cheerleading squad, homecoming queen, etc. But all Caroline wants to do is prove she’s more than just the pretty, popular girl she was back then. Which is easier said than done when she accepts a job at her old high school, the site of her past glories.

As if all of that wasn’t enough,...

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Reviewed by ibeforem on

3 of 5 stars

There’s absolutely zero substance here, but I didn’t really expect more from a book with a tiara and "An Avalon Romance" on the cover. It’s exactly what you would expect it to be.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 November, 2007: Finished reading
  • 17 November, 2007: Reviewed